Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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roareth (mukaomai; to bellow, roar) /
10:3 a loud voice, as when a lion r' /
robes (stole; long fitting gown, robe) /
6:11 white r' were given unto every 7:13 which are arrayed in white r' /
7:9 clothed with white r', and 7:14 have washed their r', and made /
rocks (petra; a mass of rocks) /
6:15 and in the r' of the mountains 6:16 said to the mountains and the r'/
rod (rhabdos; stick, wand, sceptre, staff, rod) /
2:27 rule them with a r' of iron 12:5 rule all nations with a r' of /
11:1 given me a reed like unto a r' 19:15 rule them with a r' of iron /
root (rhiza; root) /
5:5 tribe of Judah, the R' of David 22:16 r' and the offspring of David /
round (kuklothen; circle, about, all around) /
4:3 a rainbow r' about the throne 5:11 many angels r' about the throne /
4:4 r' about the throne were four 7:11 angels stood r' about the throne/
4:6 r' about the throne, were four /
rule (poimaino; to tend as a shepherd, tend, rule) /
2:27 r' them with a rod of iron 19:15 shall r' them with a rod of iron/
12:5 r' all nations with a rod of iron /
running (trecho; to walk hastily or run /
9:9 of many horses r' to battle /
sackcloth (sakkos; garments made of a course cloth, sackcloth) /
6:12 became as black as s' of hair 11:3 threescore days, clothed in s' /
sacrificed (eidolothuton; an idolatrous offering, idolatrous sacrifice) /
2:14 to eat things s' unto idols 2:20 to eat things s' unto idols /
saints (hagios; sacred, blameless, holy, saints) /
5:8 which are the prayers of s' 15:3 thy ways, thou King of s' /
8:3 it with the prayers of all s' 16:6 shed the blood of saints and /
8:4 with the prayers of the s' 17:6 drunken with the blood of the s'/
11:18 the prophets, and to the s' 18:24 blood of prophets, and of s' /
13:7 him to make war with the s' 19:8 linen is the righteousness of s'/
13:10 patience and the faith of the s'20:9 compassed the camp of the s' /
14:12 Here is the patience of the s' /
salvation (soteria; deliver, health, save, salvation) /
7:10 S' to our God which sitteth 19:1 saying, Alleluia: S', and glory /
12:10 Now is come s', and strength /
sand (ammos; sand as heaped on the beach, sand) /
13:1 I stood upon the s' of the sea 20:8 whom is as the s' of the sea /
sapphire (sappherios; a gem, sapphire) /
21:19 was jasper; the second, s' /
Satan, Satan's (Satanas; the accuser, the devil, Satan) /
2:9 but are the synagogue of S' 3:9 them of the synagogue of S' /
2:13 dwellest, even where S' seat is 12:9 called the Devil, and S' /
2:13 among you, where S' dwelleth 20:2 which is the Devil, and S' /
2:24 have not known the depths of S' 20:7 S' shall be loosed out of his /
save, saving (ei me; only, save, saving ) /
2:17 knoweth s' he that receiveth 13:17 or sell, s' he that had the mark/
saved (sozo; heal, deliver, protect, preserve, save) /
21:24 are s' shall walk in the light /
scarlet (kokkinos; crimson colored, scarlet) /
17:3 woman sit upon a s' coloured 18:12 and purple, and silk, and s' /
17:4 arrayed in purple and s' 18:16 linen, and purple, and s' /
scorch, scorched (kaumatizo; to burn, scorch) /
16:8 unto him to s' men with fire 16:9 And men were s' with great heat /
scorpion, scorpions (skorpios; that which pierces or stings, scorpion) /
9:3 as the s' of the earth have 9:10 And they had tails like unto s' /
9:5 was as the torment of a s' /
scroll (biblion; a roll, writing, book, scroll) /
6:14 the heaven departed as a s' /
sea (thalassa; the sea) /
4:6 was a s' of glass like unto 13:1 I stood upon the sand of the s' /
5:13 such as are in the s', and all 13:1 a beast rise up out of the s' /
7:1 on the earth, nor on the s' 14:7 heaven, and earth, and the sea /
7:2 to heart the earth and the s' 15:2 a s' of glass mingled with fire /
7:3 not the earth, neither the s' 15:2 stand on the s' of glass, having/
8:8 with fire was cast into the s' 16:3 poured out his vial upon the s' /
8:8 part of the s' became blood 16:3 every living soul died in the s'/
8:9 creatures which were in the s' 18:17 and as many as trade by s' /
10:2 set his right foot upon the s' 18:19 all that had ships in the s' /
10:5 which saw stand upon the s' 18:21 and cast it into the s' /
10:6 the s', and the things which 20:8 whom is as the sand of the s' /
10:8 angel which stand upon the s' 20:13 s' gave up the dead which were /
12:12 of the earth and of the s' 21:1 and there was no more s' /
sealed (katasphragizo; to seal closely, seal) /
5:1 backside, s' with seven seals /
seal, seals, sealed (sphragizo, sphragis; to keep secret or private, seal up)/
5:1 backside, sealed with seven s' 7:5 tribe of Gad were s' twelve /
5:2 and to loose the s' thereof 7:6 tribe of Asher were s' twelve /
5:5 to loose the seven s' thereof 7:6 tribe of Naphtali were s' twelve/
5:9 and to open the s' thereof 7:6 tribe of Manasseh were s' twelve/
6:1 the Lamb opened one of the s' 7:7 tribe of Simeon were s' twelve /
6:3 he had opened the second s' 7:7 tribe of Levi were s' twelve /
6:5 he had opened the third s' 7:7 tribe of Issachar were s' twelve/
6:7 he had opened the fourth s' 7:8 tribe of Zebulun were s' twelve /
6:9 he had opened the fifth s' 7:8 tribe of Joseph were s' twelve /
6:12 he had opened the sixth s' 7:8 tribe of Benjamin were s' twelve/
7:2 having the s' of the living God 8:1 he had opened the seventh s' /
7:3 have s' the servants of our 9:4 the s' of God in their foreheads/
7:4 number of them which were s' 10:4 S' up those things which the /
7:4 were s' a hundred and forty 20:3 him up, and set a s'upon him /
7:5 tribe of Judah were s' twelve 22:10 S' not the sayings of the /
7:5 tribe of Reuben were s' twelve /
searcheth (ereunao; to seek , to investigate, to search) /
2:23 which s' the reins and hearts /
season (chronos; a space of time, season) /
6:11 should rest yet a little s' 20:3 he must be loosed a little s' /
seat (thronos; a seat of power, throne) /
2:13 even where Satan's s' is 11:16 which sat before God on their s'/
13:2 and his s', and great authority /
second (deuteros; afterward, second) /
2:11 not be hurt of the s' death 16:3 And the s' angel poured out his /
4:7 and the s' beast like a calf 20:6 on such the s' death have no /
6:3 when he had opened the s' seal 20:14 This is the s' death. /
6:3 I heard the s' beast say 21:8 brimstone; which is the s' death/
8:8 And the s' angel sounded, 21:19 the s', sapphire /
11:14 The s' woe is past; and, behold /
seduce (plano; to lead astray, wander, deceive, seduce) /
2:20 to teach and to s' my servants /
see, seen (opthanomai, horao; appear, look, behold, see, seen) /
1:7 every eye shall s' him 11:19 was s' in his temple the ark /
19:10 said unto me, S' thou do it not 22:4 And they shall s' his face /
22:9 said unto me, S' thou do it not /
see, seen (eido; understand, perceive, see) /
1:19 the things which thou hast seen 18:7 widow, and shall s' no sorrow /
see, seen, seest (blepo; behold, look on, regard, sight, see) /
1:11 What thou s', write in a book 6:6 s' thou hurt not the oil and /
1:12 s' the voice that spake with 6:7 fourth beast say, Come and s' /
3:18 eyesalve, that thou mayest s' 9:20 which neither can s', nor hear /
6:1 four beasts saying, Come and s' 11:9 shall s' their dead bodies /
6:3 second beast say, Come and s' 16:15 and they shall s' his shame /
6:5 third beast say, Come and s' 22:8 And when I had heard and s' /
seed (sperma; issue, seed) /
12:17 war with the remnant of her s' /
seek (zeteo; desire, endeavour, seek) /
9:6 those days shall men s' death /
sell (poleo; sell) /
13:17 that no man might buy or s' /
send (pempo; to dispatch, send) /
1:11 s' it unto the seven churches 11:10 shall s' gifts one to another /
sent (apostello; to send forth, send out) /
1:1 he s' and signified it by his 22:6 the holy prophets s' his angel /
5:6 of God s' forth into all the 22:16 Jesus have s' mine angel to /
serpent, serpents (orphis; as a type of sly and cunning, snake, serpent) /
9:19 their tails were like unto s' 12:15 the s' cast out of his mouth /
12:9 old s', called the Devil 20:2 old s', which is the Devil /
12:14 from the face of the s' /
servant, servants (doulos; subservient, bond slave, servant) /
1:1 to show unto his s' 11:18 reward unto thy s' the prophets /
1:1 by his angel unto his s' John 15:3 the song of Moses the s' of God /
2:20 teach and to seduce my s' to 19:2 avenged the blood of his s' /
7:3 have sealed the s' of our God 22:3 and his s' shall serve him /
10:7 declared to his s' the prophets 22:6 his angel to show unto his s' /
serve (latreia; worship, serve) /
7:15 s' him day and night in his 22:3 and his servants shall s' him /
service (diakonia; aid, relief, service) /
2:19 thy works, and charity, and s' /
seven (hepta; seven) /
1:4 John to the s' churches 8:6 s' angels which had s' trumpets /
1:4 from the s' Spirits which are 10:3 s' thunders uttered their voices/
1:11 s' churches which are in Asia 10:4 s' thunders had uttered their /
1:12 I saw s' golden candlesticks 10:4 which the s' thunders uttered /
1:13 midst of the s' candlesticks 11:13 were slain of men s' thousand /
1:16 had in his right hand s' stars 12:3 having s' heads and ten horns /
1:20 The mystery of the s' stars 12:3 and s' crowns upon his head /
1:20 and the s' golden candlesticks 13:1 having s' heads and ten horns /
1:20 The s' stars are the angels of 15:1 s' angels having the s' last /
1:20 the s' churches: and the s' 15:6 s' angels came out of the temple/
1:20 candlesticks which thou sawest 15:6 having the s' plagues /
1:20 are the s' churches. 15:7 the s' angels s' golden vials /
2:1 he that holdeth the s' stars 15:8 the s' plagues of the s' angels /
2:1 of the s' golden candlesticks 16:1 saying to the s' angels /
3:1 s' Spirits of God, and the s' 17:1 s' angels which had the s' vials/
4:5 there were s' lamps of fire 17:3 having s' heads and ten horns /
4:5 which are the s' Spirits of God 17:7 hath the s' heads and the ten /
5:1 backside, sealed with s' seals 17:9 The s' heads are s' mountains /
5:5 and to loose the s' seals 17:10 there are s' kings, five are /
5:6 having s' horns and s' eyes 17:11 and is of the s', and goeth /
5:6 which are the s' Spirits of God 21:9 unto me one of the s' angels /
8:2 And I saw the s' angels which 21:9 s' vials full of the s' last /
8:2 to them were given s' trumpets /
seventh (hebdomos; seventh) /
8:1 when he had opened the s' seal 16:17 And the s' angel poured out his /
10:7 of the voice of the s' angel 21:20 the s', chrysolite /
11:15 And the s' angel sounded /
shaken (seio; vibrate, tremor, move, quake, shake) /
6:13 she is s' of a mighty wind /
shame (aischune, aschemosune; an indecency, disgrace, dishonor, shame) /
3:18 s' of thy nakedness do not 16:15 naked, and they shall see his s'/
sharp (oxus; swift, keen, sharp) /
1:16 went a s' two-edged sword 14:18 to him that had the s' sickle /
2:12 the s' sword with two edges 14:18 Thrust in thy s' sickle, and /
14:14 and in his hand a s' sickle 19:15 of his mouth goeth a s' sword /
14:17 he also having a s' sickle /
shed (ekcheo; gush out, spill, shed) /
16:6 they have s' the blood of saints /
sheep (probaton; a sheep) /
18:13 and beasts, and s', and horses /
show, showed (deikuno; to show, shew) /
1:1 to s' unto his servants things 21:10 and s' me that great city /
4:1 I will s' thee things which 22:1 he s' me a pure river of water /
17:1 I will s' unto thee the 22:6 to s' unto his servants the /
21:9 I will s' thee the bride 22:8 the angel which s' me these /
shine, shineth (phaino; appear, to lighten, shine) /
1:16 was as the sun s' in his 21:23 neither of the moon, to s' in it/
18:23 light of a candle shall s' no /
ships (pioion; a sailer, vessel, ship) /
8:9 part of the s' were destroyed 18:19 rich all that has s' in the sea /
18:17 all the company in s', and /
shivers (suntribo; shatter, break, broken to shivers) /
2:27 shall they be broken to s' /
short (oligos; small duration, short, season) /
12:12 that he hath but a s' time 17:10 he must continue a s' space /
shortly (en tachos; in a short space, time, shortly) /
1:1 which must s' come to pass 22:6 things which must s' be done /
shut, shutteth (kleio; to close, to shut up) /
3:7 he that openeth, and no man s' 11:6 These have power to s' heaven /
3:7 and s', and no man openeth 20:3 bottomless pit, and s' him up /
3:8 open door, and no man can s' it 21:25 the gates of it shall not be s' /
sickle (drepanon; a harvesting hook, sickle) /
14:14 and in his hand a sharp s' 14:18 to him that have the sharp s' /
14:15 Thrust in thy s', and reap 14:18 Thrust in thy sharp sickle /
14:16 thrust in his s' on the earth 14:19 thrust in his s' into the earth /
14:17 he also having a sharp s' /
side (enteuthen; on both sides, on either side) /
22:2 on either side of the river /
sight (horasis; sight, vision: enopion; in the sight of) /
4:3 in s' like unto an emerald 13:14 to do in the s' of the beast /
13:13 on the earth in the s'of men /
sign (semeion; miracle, token, wonder, sign) /
15:1 I saw another s' in heaven /
silence (sige; hush, silence) /
8:1 there was s' in heaven about the /
silver (argureos, arguros; the metal silver, made of silver) /
9:20 and idols of gold, and s' 18:12 The merchandise of gold, and s' /
Simeon (Sumeon; Simeon "hearing" ) /
7:7 tribe of S' were sealed twelve /
sing (ado; to sing) /
15:3 And they s' the song of Moses /
sins (hamartai; offence, sins) /
1:5 washed us from our s' in his 18:5 her s' have reached unto heaven /
18:4 ye be not partakers of her s' /
sit, sitteth, sitting (kathemai, kathizo; to sit down, to settle, sit) /
3:21 grant to s' with me in my 17:1 whore that s' upon many waters /
4:4 I saw four and twenty elders s' 17:3 woman s' upon a scarlet /
5:13 him that s' upon the throne 17:9 mountains, on which the woman s'/
6:16 of him that s' on the throne 17:15 where the whore s', are peoples /
7:10 God which s' upon the throne 18:7 I s' a queen, and am no widow /
7:15 he that s' on the throne shall 19:18 of them that s' on them /
six (hex; six: hexakosioi; six hundred) /
4:8 each of them s' wings about him 14:20 thousand and s' hundred furlongs/
13:18 in S' hundred threescore and s' /
sixth (kektos; sixth) /
6:12 when he had opened the s' seal 16:12 And the s' angel poured out /
9:13 the s' angel sounded, and I 21:20 the s', sardius /
9:14 Saying to the s' angel which /
slain, slay (sphazo; to butcher, slay :apokteino; put to death, slay) /
2:13 Martyr, who was s' among you 9:15 for to s' the third part of men /
5:6 a Lamb as it had been s' 11:13 were s' of men seven thousand /
5:9 thou wast s', and hast redeemed 13:8 the Lamb s' from the foundation /
5:12 Worthy is the Lamb that was s' 18:24 all that were s' upon the earth /
6:9 were s' for the word of God 19:21 remnant were s' with the sword /
small (mikros; least, less, little, small) /
11:18 fear thy name, s' and great 19:18 free and bond, both s' and great/
13:16 both s' and great, rich and 20:12 And I saw the dead, s' and great/
19:5 fear him, both s' and great /
smitten (plesso; pound, to inflict, smite) /
8:12 the third part of the sun was s' /
smoke (kapnos; smoke) /
8:4 And the s' of the incense 9:18 killed, by the fire and the s' /
9:2 there arose s' out of the pit 14:11 s' of their torment ascendeth /
9:2 as the s' of a great furnace 15:8 filled with s' from the glory of/
9:2 darkened by reason of the s' 18:9 shall see the s' of her burning /
9:3 came out of the s' locusts 18:18 they saw the s' of her burning /
9:17 fire and s' and brimstone 19:3 her s' rose up for ever and ever/
snow (chion; snow) /
1:14 white like wool, as white as s' /
Sodom (Sodoma; Sodom "to scorch, burnt") /
11:8 city, which spiritually is called S' /
son (huios; child, foal, son) /
1:13 one like unto the S' of man 14:14 one sat like unto the S' pf man /
2:18 things saith the S' of God 21:7 his God, and he shall be my s' /
song (ode; words sung, a song) /
5:9 And they sung a new s' 15:3 And they sing the s' of Moses /
14:3 they sung as it were a new s' 15:3 and the s' of the Lamb, saying /
14:3 no man could learn that s' but /
sorceries, sorcerers (pharmakeia, pharmakeus, pharmakos; /
drugs, witchcraft, sorceries) /
9:21 their murders, nor of their s' 21:8 and whoremongers, and s' /
18:23 by thy s' were all nations 22:15 For without are dogs, and s' /
sore (helkos; ulcer, sore) /
16:2 a noisome and grievous s' /
sorrow (penthos; mourning, sorrow) /
18:7 so much torment and s' give her 21:4 neither s', nor crying /
18:7 no widow, and shall see no s' /
soul, souls (psuche; heart, life, mind, soul) /
6:9 under the altar the s' of them 18:14 fruits that thy s' lusted after /
16:3 every living s' died in the sea 20:4 s' of them that were beheaded /
18:13 and slaves, and s' of men /
sound, sounded (saplizo; sound, a blast: phone; noise, voice, sound) /
1:15 voice as the s' of many waters 9:1 the fifth angel s' /
8:6 prepared themselves to s' 9:9 and the s' of their wings /
8:7 The first angel s' 9:9 and the s' of chariots /
8:8 the second angel s' 9:13 the sixth angel s' /
8:10 the third angel s' 10:7 when he shall begin to s' /
8:12 the fourth angel s' 11:15 And the seventh angel s' /
8:13 angels, which are yet to s' 18:22 s' of a millstone shall be heard/
south (notos; the southern quarter, the south) /
21:13 on the s' three gates /
space (chronos; season, time, space : apo; after, ago, space of) /
2:2 I gave her s' to repent of her 14:20 s' of a thousand and six hundred/
8:1 in heaven about the s' of half 17:10 he must continue a short s' /
spake, speak, speaking (laleo, lego; say, speak, tell) /
1:12 turned to see the voice that s' 13:5 him a mouth s' great things /
2:24 the depths of Satan, as they s' 13:11 a lamb, and he s' as a dragon /
10:8 from heaven s' unto me again 13:15 of the beast should both s' /
spirit, spirits (pneuma; breath, breeze, life, ghost, spirit) /
1:4 the seven S' which are before 14:13 Yea, saith the S', that they /
1:10 I was in the S' on the Lord's 16:13 unclean s' like frogs come out /
2:7, 11, 17, 29 3:6, 13, 22 16:14 they are the s' of devils /
S' saith unto the churches 17:3 he carried me away in the s' /
3:1 that hath the seven S' of God 18:2 and the hold of every foul s' /
4:2 immediately I was in the s' 19:10 Jesus is the s' of prophecy /
4:5 which are the seven S' of god 21:10 he carried me away in the s' /
5:6 are the seven S' of god 22:17 the S' and the bride say, Come /
11:11 the S' of life from God /
spue (emeo; vomit, spue) /
3:16 I will s' thee out of my mouth /
stand, standeth (histemi; to hold up, to stand) /
3:20 Behold, I s' at the door 15:2 s' on the sea of glass /
6:17 and who shall be able to s' 18:10 S' afar off for the fear of /
7:1 four angels s' on the four 18:15 shall s' afar off for the fear /
10:5 which I saw s' upon the sea 19:17 I saw an angel s' in the sun /
10:8 angel which s' upon the sea 20:12 small and great, s' before God /
11:4 two candlesticks s' before /
stars (aster; star) /
1:16 in his right hand seven s' 6:13 the s' of heaven fell unto the /
1:20 The mystery of the seven s' 8:12 and the third part of the s' /
1:20 seven s' are the angels of the 12:1 her head a crown of twelve s' /
2:1 he that holdeth the seven s' 12:4 the third part of the s' of /
3:1 Spirits of God, and the seven s' /
still (eti; also, ever, further, now, yet, still) /
22:11 let him be unjust s' 22:11 let him be filthy s' /
22:11 let him be righteous s' 22:11 let him be holy s' /
stone (psephos; a pebble, a vote, a stone) /
2:17 and will give him a white s' 2:17 in the s' a new name written /
stone, stones (lithos; a stone) /
4:3 a jasper and a sardine stone 18:16 with gold, and precious s' /
9:20 and silver, and brass, and s' 18:21 like unto a s' most precious /
16:21 every s' about the weight of 21:11 like unto a s' most precious /
17:4 with gold and precious s' 21:11 a jasper s', clear as crystal /
18:12 and silver, and precious s' 21:19 with all manner of precious s' /
stood (histemi; hold up, set up, stand /
5:6 s' a Lamb as it had been slain 11:11 and they s' upon their feet /
7:9 s' before the throne 12:4 the dragon s' before the woman /
7:11 angels s' around the throne 13:1 And I s' upon the sand of the /
8:2 seven angels which s' before 14:1 lo, a Lamb s' on the mount Zion /
8:3 angel came and s' at the altar 18:17 as trade by sea, s' afar off /
11:1 and the angel s', saying /
street (plateia; open square, street) /
11:8 bodies shall lie in the s' 22:2 In the midst of the s' of it /
21:21 s' of the city was pure gold /
strength (dunamis; power, might, strength /
:ischus; ability, might, strength) /
1:16 as the sun shineth in his s' 12:10 Now is come salvation, and s' /
3:8 thou hast a little s' 17:13 their power and s' unto the /
5:12 and riches, and wisdom, and s' /
strengthened (sterizo; to set fast, to establish, strengthen) /
3:2 and s' the things that remain /
strong (ischuros, megas; mighty, valiant, powerful, strong) /
5:2 I saw a s' angel proclaiming 18:8 s' is the Lord God who judgeth /
18:2 cried mightily with a s' voice /
stumblingblock (skadalon; a snare, an offence, stumblingblock) /
2:14 cast a s' before the children /
suffer (pascho; experience, feel, suffer: aphiemi; cry, remit, suffer) /
2:10 things which thou shalt s' 11:9 not s' their dead bodies to be /
sun (helios; the sun) /
1:16 the s' shineth in his strength 12:1 a woman clothed with the s' /
6:12 s' became black as sackcloth 16:8 poured out his vial upon the s' /
7:16 neither shall the s' light on 19:17 an angel standing in the s' /
8:12 part of the s' was smitten 21:23 city had no need of the s' /
9:2 s' and the air were darkened 22:5 candle, neither light of the s' /
10:1 his face was as it were the s' /
sup, supper (deipneo, deipnon; to dine, feast, sup, supper) /
3:20 in to him, and will s' with him 19:17 unto the s' of the great God /
19:9 unto the marriage s' of the Lamb /
surely (nai; even so, truly, verily, surely) /
22:20 saith, S' I come quickly /
swallowed (katapino; to drink down, devour, swallow) /
12:16 s' up the flood which the dragon /
sware (omnuo; to declare an oath, sware) /
10:6 s' by him that liveth for ever /
sweet (giukus; fresh, sweet) /
10:9 be in thy mouth s' as honey 10:10 it was in my mouth s' as honey /
sword (rhomphaia; a sabre, sword: machaira; a knife, a sword) /
1:16 went a sharp two-edged s' 13:10 must be killed with the s' /
2:12 the sharp s' with two edges 13:14 which had the wound by a s' /
2:16 them with the s' of my mouth 19:15 of his mouth goeth a sharp s' /
6:4 was given unto him a great s' 19:21 remnant was slain with a s' /
6:8 to kill with s', and with 19:21 which s' proceeded out of his /
synagogue (sunagoge; an assembly, congregation, synagogue) /
2:9 but are of the s' of Satan 3:9 make them of the s' of Satan /
tabernacle (skene; a tent, habitation, tabernacle) /
13:6 blaspheme his name, and his t' 21:3 the t' of God is with men /
15:15 temple of the t' of the testimony /
tail, tails (oura; tail) /
9:10 they had t' like unto scorpions 9:19 their t' were like unto serpents/
9:10 there were stings in their t' 12:4 t' drew the third part of the /
9:19 in their mouth, and in their t' /
take, taken (lambano; seize, catch, take: krateo; seize, obtain, take: /
aphaireo; cut off, take away: piazo; apprehend, take ) /
3:11 that no man t' thy crown 11:17 hast t' to thee thy great power /
5:8 when he had t' the book 19:20 the beast was t', and with him /
5:9 Thou art worthy to t' the book 22:17 him t' the water of life freely /
6:4 to t' peace from the earth 22:19 if any man shall t' away /
10:8 Go and t' the little book 22:19 God shall t' away his part /
10:9 unto me, T' it, and eat it /
talent (talantiaios; weight of a talent) /
16:21 stone about the weight of a t' /
talked, talking (laleo; say, speak, tell, talk) /
4:1 it were a trumpet t' with me 21:15 that t' with me had a golden /
17:1 t' with me, saying unto me 21:9 t' with me, saying, Come hither /
taught, teach (didasko; to learn, to teach) /
1:1 to t' and to seduce my servants 2:14 t' Balak to cast a stumblingb'k /
tears (dakru; tear) /
7:17 and God shall wipe away all t' 21:4 and God shall wipe away all t' /
teeth (odous; tooth, teeth) /
9:8 their t' were as the t' of lions /
tell (ereo; say speak, tell) /
17:7 t' thee the mystery of the woman /
temple (naos; shrine, temple) /
3:12 a pillar in the t' of God 15:5 t' of the tabernacle of the /
7:15 him day and night in his t' 15:6 seven angels came out of the t' /
11:1 Rise, and measure the t' 15:8 the t' was filled with smoke /
11:2 court which is without the t' 15:8 man was able to enter the t' /
11:19 the t' of God was opened in 16:1 a great voice out of the t' /
11:19 was seen in his t' the ark 16:17 voice out of the t' of heaven /
14:15 another angel out of the t' 21:22 I saw no t' therein /
14:17 another angel out of the t' 21:22 and the Lamb are the t' of it /
temptation (peirasmos; putting to proof, temptation) /
3:10 keep thee from the hour of t' /
ten, tenth (deka; ten : dekatos; tenth : murias; indefinite number) /
2:10 shall have tribulation t' days 17:3 having seven heads and t' horns /
5:11 was t' thousand times t' thous- 17:7 the seven heads and t' horns /
11:13 the t' part of the city fell 17:12 t' horns...sawest are t' kings /
12:3 having seven heads and t' horns 17:16 the t' horns which thou sawest /
13:1 having seven heads and t' horns 21:20 the t', a chrysoprasus /
13:1 and upon his horns t' crowns /
testament (diatheke; a contract, covenant, testament) /
11:19 in his temple the ark of his t' /
testimony (marturia, marturion; record, witness, testimony) /
1:2 and of the t' of Jesus Christ 12:17 and by the word of their t' /
1:9 and for the t' of Jesus Christ 15:15 the tabernacle of the t' in /
6:9 and for the t' which they held 19:10 that have the t' of Jesus Christ/
11:7 shall have finished their t' 19:10 t' of Jesus is the spirit of /
thanks, thanksgiving (eucharisteo, eucharistia; to be grateful, to give /
thanks) /
4:9 t' to him that sat on the 11:17 We give thee t', O Lord God /
7:12 and wisdom. and t', and honour /
themselves (heautou; himself, one's self, them selves /
6:15 hid t' in the dens and in the 8:6 trumpets prepared t' to sound /
therefore (oun; certainly, accordingly, therefore) /
2:5 Remember t' from whence thou 7:15 T' are they before the throne /
3:3 Remember t' how thou hast 12:12 T' rejoice, ye heavens, /
3:3 If t' thou shalt not watch 18:8 T' shall her plagues come in one/
3:19 be zealous t,' and repent /
therein (en autos; within, therein) /
1:3 things which are written t' 13:12 earth and them that dwell t' /
10:6 and the things that are t' 21:22 And I saw no temple t' /
11:1 altar, and them that worship t' /
thief (kleptes; stealer, thief) /
3:3 I will come on thee as a t' 16:15 Behold, I come as a t' /
thigh (meros; thigh) /
19:16 and on his t' a name written /
third (tritos; a third part, thirdly, third) /
4:7 and the t' beast had a face as 8:12 and the t' part of the moon /
6:5 when he had opened the t' seal 8:12 and the t' part of the stars /
6:5 I heard the t' beast say 8:12 t' part of them was darkened /
8:7 the t' part of the trees was 8:12 day shone not for a t' part /
8:8 the t' part of the sea became 9:15 for to slay the t' part of men /
8:9 the t' part of the creatures 9:18 three was the t' part of men /
8:9 t' part of the ships were 11:14 the t' woe came quickly /
8:10 And the t' angel sounded 12:4 drew the t' part of the stars /
8:10 fell upon the t' part of the 14:9 And the t' angel followed them /
8:11 t' part of the waters became 16:4 t' angel poured out his vial /
8:12 the t' part of the sun was 21:19 the t', a chalcedony /
thirst (dipsao; to thirst) /
7:16 no more, neither t' any more /